Thursday, April 30, 2020

Looking Out My Window

I live on 5 acres in a peaceful place called New Harmony, going outside I can look up and see the beautiful blue sky with white puffy clouds floating around and if I walk down to the orchard during the spring and summer time, I can smell the sweet smell of the blossoms popping on all the fruit trees.

My kitchen has a bay window over the sink area and when I'm doing the dishes or cooking a meal I can look out this window and marvel at the many beautiful things I see, somethings are sweet to watch and somethings are entertaining and somethings just bring a smile to my heart and soul.

I looked out my window and what do I see?
Cars and Trucks traveling faraway from me...

Right now our country is going through the Coronavirus Pandemic and the guidelines for our state is to "Stay Safe and Stay Home" the only time we leave our home is when we go to the market or for a doctors appointment, the rest of the time we are here safe at home.

We live a couple streets from an interstate freeway and when I look out my kitchen window towards this freeway there is a grove of trees that I see, but in the middle of this grove there is a good size  empty space of trees, which gives me a view of this freeway. 

Now about two months ago when this virus started and we were instructed to stay home, I notice that there wasn't that many cars traveling up or down on this freeway, it seemed that it was only trucks that was doing the traveling. I thought at the time I would stand at my window and see how many cars or trucks I could count in 5 minutes.  I thought that might be interesting as this freeway usually is busy with lots of travel, but then I decided to do something else and forgot about those cars and trucks, but today, I notice there is a lot of traveling going on, down on that strip of road. I guess people just want to get out of the house on a nice day, I just hope wherever they are going they have their face mask with them and to remember social distance.  "Stay Safe" for you and me.

One morning last week I was looking out my window and what did I see? 
I saw a picnic going on in front of me... 

I have a dirt area just passed the garage, this is where I toss my food scraps and peeling for my friends, as I was looking out this window I saw 2 squirrels playing tag in this area, then there was a blackbird that joined in this fun, I noticed that the squirrels would stop and nibble at the ground for a few seconds and then they would scamper off to only return and do the same, soon I saw 2 small bluebirds joining in this picnic, soon they were pecking at the ground and when they found what they wanted, they flew to a tree that was near by, but when the blackbird found what he wanted he would fly to the rooftop of the garage. I stood watching this picnic for sometime and when everyone was satisfied, the birds flapped their wings and flew off and the squirrels ran off to play tag in another area,

When my sweetheart came in for lunch I told him about my friends and their picnic. He asked me if I knew what they were after, No I said, everything that was out the other day was gone, he then told me that he had some old peanuts that he had tossed in that area early that morning, it looks like my friends had found a treasure and had called some of their friends to come and have a picnic.

I looked out my window and what did I see?
Many wonderful things that brought happiness to me...

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