Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Miracle Of 4 Rings

I remember when I was a young child my mother and my grandmother would always recite Nursery  Rhymes, especially when there was a new baby in the home and when I became a mother I did the same thing with my babies. My older children would chime in too, sometimes we would sing them and sometimes we would just play with our baby's fingers or toes as we recited the rhyme.

For some reason today I was thinking about the rhyme "Banbury Cross."  it goes,
"Ride a crock-horse to Banbury cross, to see a fine lady upon a white horse.
With rings on her fingers and bells on her toes and she shall have music wherever she goes."

As I was thinking about this Nursery Rhyme and where it talks about rings on her fingers and bells on her toes, it made me think of Rings and the important significant a ring might have to someone.

People wear rings for many reasons, there are birthstone rings to note the month you were born in, school rings, graduation rings, promise rings, engagement rings, weddings rings, dinner rings, just to name a few.  There's a cashier at Walmart that wears rings on all her fingers and I have a
sister-in-law that wears rings on her toes, but for me I just wear two rings on two fingers.

How do you feel when one day you might look down at your fingers and where you have been wearing a special ring for many years, all of a sudden you realize that your ring is gone?  How did that happen and when did it happen?  When was the last time you remember seeing that ring on your finger and now its gone, then panic sets in, you start looking for it everywhere you might have been or where you think you might have lost it, but to no success.

This has happened to me or to someone who is close to me and yes panic does set in, but after the shock of the situation and after a deep breath, I close my eyes and say a simple prayer, do I magically find my ring now, no, so I keep on looking, but then life goes on with or without my ring.

Years ago when my sweetheart asked me to marry him he gave me a beautiful diamond engagement ring and then when we were married, he put a simple gold band on my finger to go with my engagement ring, I loved this set, it was very pretty and I wore it for 20 years.

I had always just wanted a wide gold wedding band and so when we had been married for 20 years he bought me a wide band wedding ring.  I loved this wide band and I enjoyed looking at it on my ring finger and thinking how sweet my sweetheart was to present me with this special gift.  Then one day I saw that my ring was gone, my heart was sick, how did I lose it, what happened?  Time went by, days went by and life went on.  Then one day as I was talking on the phone in the kitchen (at that time the home phone was on the wall above the counter with a cord attached) I opened  the Junk drawer and there was a empty space in the middle of this drawer, a red rubber band was in this space and in the center of this rubber band was my wedding ring. How did it get there, we had been in and out of that drawer many many times, but needless to say, I didn't care how it got there, my ring was found and my heart was full of thanksgiving, it was just a miracle.

My daughter Ann is a school teacher, she teaching blind students and so she had a special ring, her ring was a CTR ring that the CTR was spelled in braille.  One year she joined us for our extended family vacation in the High Sierras.  One day she noticed that her CTR ring was gone.  Where did she lose it?  We looked everywhere, but in the mountains there is nothing but dirt and how can one find a ring in the dirt?  Time came for everyone to go home, we all cleaned our tents, packed up our belonging and home we all went, with Ann driving back with her son to their home in Arizona.  Time went by, years went by and we were getting ready to move.  My husband was busy cleaning his workshop when he came into the house with something in his hand.  He wanted to know what he had found in his sweeping, as I looked I realized it was Ann's CTR ring.  How did her ring get in his workshop?  Ann had never been in our tent or us in hers but here it was, years later a miracle.

One time when we were going to visit Ann in Arizona we stopped at a roadside stand where the Indian people sell their wares, they had lovely silver rings with beautiful Turquoise stones.  My sweetheart thought I should have a ring so he asked me to pick one out.  I wore that ring for many years and then one day it was gone, no where to be found.  Years went by, I cleaned and vacuumed my home and then one day I decided to rearrange the couches in my sun room, while I was vacuuming what did I see, yes my Turquoise ring, how did it get under the couch, I have no idea but yes, another miracle.

It was about 2 months ago when we were coming home from church when my Sweetheart noticed his wedding ring was gone, now he has been wearing that ring for 66 years and I don't think he has ever taken it off, but now it was gone.  How did it come off his finger and when and where?  He had been working out in the garden the day before and maybe it was in his work gloves, he went looking but no where it could be found.  We talked about buying a new ring and maybe that is what will happen, but not that day.  Then one day as he was standing at his sink in the bathroom he dropped his vitamin pill on the floor and when he reached down to find it, he couldn't see it on the carpet so he rub his hand back and forth and back in the corner against the floorboard what did he find but his wedding ring, another miracle.

My love ones and I, now have rings on our fingers but no bells on our toes but we do have music whenever we go. Yes, I believe in miracles and sometimes it just takes time for one to happen.

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