Thursday, December 30, 2010

Family History

Family History is important to all of us, for it tells us where we come from and who we are.  For some maybe it's not that important, but to me it is.

Oh, how I wished my grandparents and great grandparents had kept a journal, or at least a diary.  I sure would love having something like that, it would be such a treasure.  I want to know all I can about them.  I know somethings, but not very much and surely not enough.

How about pictures?  What did they look like when they were young or as a child?  How did they look when they were married?  How did they dress?  I know pictures were hard to come by so many years ago.  I do have some pictures of my ancestors and these are priceless, but I have some oldies too, that I know must be family, but no names on them.  

I'm sorry to say, when I was raising my children it wasn't that easy to take pictures then either.  It was expensive, and not very convenient.  Look at today, my goodness, you take a picture with this fancy camera, view your take and print it out on your computer, you can even take pictures on your cel phone...  Now, how about that??

How lucky we are today with having this Computer and the Internet....   We can see pictures of our love ones on their Blog, and read what is happening in their life in just seconds.  We  can even find lots of family history on the Internet.  I have found lots of interesting things about my forefathers on the Internet, even a picture of my great grandparents.  What a blessing this technology is we have today....

I was very good about keeping a journal at one time in my life, but then life got in the way.  I restarted a journal again, many times, but life always seem to get in the way.  Now I'm doing  this Blog..  I'm hoping this will be like a journal.  Maybe my thoughts and feelings, maybe my memories of my life will be put down on this Blog.  Who knows where this will go and where it will take me. 

I just wonder by writing this Blog, will my children read it?  Will any of my grandchildren read it? and if they do, what will they think?  Will they learn a little more about their mother or this grandmother and about her heart? 

What about my grandchildren and even my great grandchildren?  What do they know about me, except that I am their grandmother or great grandmother?  Do they know who I am and that I care about them??  That I love them and that they are a part of me?

My sweet husband was talking just today about how he needs to write his history.  He asked me where is family history book was, or did he need to buy a new one?  I said no, I thought I knew where it was...  So this evening I found 3 books for him.  You know, the kind that asks the questions and you write the answers. 

Our Daughter Marta give each of us a lovely book, she put together, some Christmases ago.  Mine she has titled "Reflections from our Mother's Heart."  The pages have questions at the top, on some of my pages she has printed a lovely red rose, she knows I love red roses.... I've been looking at this book for sometime thinking I should start writing in it, maybe I will start this New Year.

I gave my mother a small book like this, hoping she would write in it.  One of the questions was, "How many sisters and brothers do you have?"  I had to laugh when I read her answer, It was, "I have 2 sisters and 3 brothers"...  that was it...  I promise to do better.

I gave  my Blog the Title:  "Life's Peaceful Moments"   and the reasons that is, as I look back on my life it has been good. 

     I was born of goodly parents.
     I had special grandmother's that cared about  me.
     I have a wonderful husband that has loved me all my life. 
     I have 4 wonderful children, that have always been a blessing to me. 
     My children have spouses that love them. 
     I have special grandchildren, who have meaning in my life.
     I am bless with great grandchildren and more to come.
     I have a testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
     I know my Heavenly Loves Me.

My memories are peaceful, and that is why I call this Blog, "Life's Peaceful Moments"

Please come along with me as I journey down my Family History path...

1 comment:

  1. I read your blog and enjoy it very much. I am learning more about you and the way you think. I am enjoying your writings very much--Keep it up.

    Thank you for doing this.

    Love, Marta
