Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Your Friends Keep Calling???

Those friends keep calling me at least 4 or more times each day, rain or shine, Sunday's or holiday's, early morning or late at night, it really doesn't matter to them, they just want me to answer the phone so they can give me their message.  Am I interested in what their message is, No.  Do I want to take their survey, No.  Do I want to buy their product, No, am I having problems with my credit card or my home mortgage, No, No and NO!!!!

I have caller ID on my phone and I can see their numbers and where they are calling from.  It use to be just an 800 number or a prefix that is across the country in another state or even another country but now they are more sophisticated, they use the prefix number that is in your state or area which makes you think it might be someone you know.  How many everyday people know all the telephone numbers of their family or friends, plus all their doctors and all the other phone numbers that one uses in everyday life?  Not me and I bet, not you!!!

Take yesterday for instant, yes my usual friends called 4 times, I did answer some for I was expecting a phone call, but guess what, it was always one of those friends.  Now if its one of those robot calls, I just hang up or if it takes a little longer for someone to answer, I hang up, if they ask for my husband or I by name, I always ask who is calling and if the answer is a strange reply, I hang up.  I try to always remember never to say yes or no in my reply, as that too can cause a problem with these kind of calls.

When the telephone rings and I look to see who is calling and if I can tell its one of those friends, I do not answer and I let the call go to the answering machine, but you know what, they never leave a message on your answering machine, so that in its self gives you the message that it was really no friend of yours.

Now here is a new one for you, the other day my phone rang and the caller ID gave me my name and number, it took me by surprise so I answer it and when I asked the person on the other end how they called me from my number, they just hung up.

I have put my telephone number on the do not call list, but now that doesn't even work, I have tried calling their number back but that number does not go though. They sure have a system set up that brings frustration to a busy average household.

I remember the good ole days when we only had one phone in the house.  We had party lines and operators and the friends that called us were true friends and not someone that wanted something from us, one way or another, but then again having today's technology gives us freedom with cell phones and I pads, texts and messenger and don't forget Facebook, we can keep in touch with our family, love ones and true friends with just a swipe of ones finger and that can be a blessing and a convenience if handled with care.

I guess each day when these "friends" still call I will keep doing what I'm doing and when my husband asks me who called I will still say "oh it was one of those friends and I did not answer."

Welcome to this new world and to those "friends" that keep calling us on their to do list, I hope they are having a good day, as for me, I'm going to have a very good day and I want to wish you my good friends and love ones that are reading this blog post "Have a special day and enjoy every minute of it....

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