Friday, May 13, 2011

Time Marches On

My Daughter Marta said to me the other day "Mother you haven't written on your Blog for sometime now, I miss it.."

And so I thought, No, I haven't.  Life just seems to get busy and the time just marches on and away.

Writing a blog is like writing a journal, but a journal is only a good journal if you remember to write in it, and writing is only good if you write your coming and goings and your thoughts and your feelings.

Now having that said, just where should I go from there???

I have a dozen or so things going thought my mind right now that I would like to write about but here it is going on 8 o'clock this Friday night and I need to work on a Sunday lesson for church, so I'll just make a mental note and get back to my "Blog" real soon.

Until then -----

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Mom for starting up again. Any post is a glimpse into your life many miles away and connects me to you with your everyday thoughts.

    I think that spring has been busy and we all have too many things on our plate right now.

    Love you and I am looking forward to seeing you next month
