Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I Put On My Dancing Shoes

Tuesday nights I have a standing date with my friend.  We go dancing... 

I put on my dancing shoes, she picks me up in her car and we head to Cedar...  From 7 o'clock in the evening until  just before 9 you will see me on the dance floor. 

Our dance instructor is a really nice lady.  Her name is Sue and she sure is good with names. She knows each one of us and is eager to help us and has lots of patience.  She's a good teacher, she laughs, she talks with us and she makes dancing fun..

I've been doing this for about a year and half now and I'm not doing so bad, if I say so myself.  It might take me a few times to learn a new dance but it will soon click in.  My brain just has to soak in the new steps and the order they go in and then in a few times my feet will take over and dancing and a clapping I go.

I've always loved to dance and when I was young I always went to dances.  We had a teen canteen not far from our High School and after school they had games and dancing there.  Sometimes my girl friends and I would drop in for a while, it was just a place to "hang out" and have some fun.

Most of my boyfriends liked to dance and some were real good dancers, but then I met my Sweetheart, and things changed.  He really doesn't enjoy dancing that much, but he is a good sport and when we go someplace where there is dancing, he will dance with me a few times and spin me around the dance floor.

Now you would be surprised to hear where we first met. 

Our stake was having a special Mutual program down at his ward.  After the meeting they had a "Dance"... that's right, a "Dance" and he and another young man came running up to ask me to dance, and he got there first. 

I remember like it was yesterday.  He was tall, good looking, wearing blue jeans, and a kelly green pull over jersey T shirt with a collar and had a gold basketball charm on a gold chain around his neck. 

I only danced with him for that one dance, (as my ride was ready to leave,) but a couple of days later my telephone rang and it was him asking for a date, and that was the beginning..

Tuesday's is when my friend and I go Line Dancing...  It is fun and I enjoy it and it's good exercise too.

When we lived in California I had a dancing friend there too. 

When my friend and I went dancing, we went Clogging.  I think I enjoyed clogging a little better then I do line dancing.   Maybe it's because I had my clogging shoes.  Clogging shoes are like tap shoes.... they have these special kind of tapes on the soles of the shoes.  It's was fun to put these magical shoes on and tap, tap away. 

I still have my clogging shoes, there in my closet and who knows maybe I might put them on again one day just to see if they still fit, and just maybe I might go tapping away, but until then, I'll just keep doing my line dancing with my friend. 

1 comment:

  1. That sounds like so much fun. I am impressed and a little jealous. Where can I find a dancing friend and a class to take?? Hmmm...Just thinking about it sets my brain to thinking.

    Have a good time and enjoy yourself.

    Love, Marta
