Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Rain, rain go away,
Come again another day,
Little Lizzie wants to play,

I have commented that it really doesn't rain here.  What I mean is when it does rain, it is only like "sprinkling," it might do this for a couple of hours, or maybe over night, but that's about the size of it... 

It's been raining now for the last 3 days.  Water, Water everywhere.. 

I made candy all day yesterday.  3 large batches of fudge and 3 batches of divinity.  I had a good time licking the beaters, spoons and the bowls.  When my children were little they would enjoy licking the beaters, this was a treat for them, but now, most of the time I'm the one that takes a lick, sometimes my husband wants the bowl, but after the lick, into the sink it goes.

Today I filled red plastic bowls with yummy candy.  Put them in a plastic bag and tied them with a red ribbon.  Wrote a note on Christmas Cards to special friends, to Peggy our mail lady, Kay at our little post office, who is so helpful with packing my gifts to send, Beth and Deanne at the library and my visiting teaching sisters and the home teaching families.  I think I made about 20 all together.  

We had planned to deliver them this afternoon, but you guessed it.  It was raining and I do mean raining, like buckets of rain.  

The rain sort of slowed down a little and so we took advantage of it.  I put on my coat, boots and hat, my sweetheart was my chauffeur and we headed out to deliver our Christmas cheer. 

I think we were able to deliver about 10, the rest will have to wait until tomorrow.  The weather man says that the storm should be over by the afternoon.  I hope so, as the roads that lead to my other deliveries are dirt roads and that means, mud, mud and more mud.

Yes, rain, rain go away, little Lizzy wants to play. 

1 comment:

  1. I have my plates of goodies ready to go as well. We will deliver them this morning.

    I think it is strange that this storm that is dumping rain out west is scheduled to dump about 10 inches of snow here in the south east on Christmas Day. For the first time since 1947 we will have snow for Christmas. We are planning on some fun.

    Merry Christmas, Mom. I have been enjoying your memories--Thank you
