Monday, January 31, 2011

Monday Blue's

Here it is Monday, the beginning of a new week and I should be full of energy and ready to go, but,,,,,  the wind is blowing outside, like a storm is coming, and it's cold, cold and more cold.  We did have a little snow last night and maybe we'll get some more tonight, but right now, it's just windy and cold.

I really haven't done much of anything today...  Read the morning newspaper as I ate my breakfast, walked around my home thinking what I should do and then sat down and looked at the Ensign magazine...  I did go into my Blue Room and stripped the bed, and when the sheets are finished drying I will remake the bed and have it ready for some company, when company decides to come....

I did go to my computer and pull up the "new" web site..  Yesterday at church in our 5th Sunday Relief Society and Priesthood meeting, they gave us instructions and helps for this new site and they talked about how you can get copies of your Patriarchal Blessings.  I thought I would just check it out and see what it says.  I logged in and requested a copy of blessings of my grandparents and my great grandparents.  I don't know if they ever received their Patriarchal Blessing, but I thought I would at least try, who knows maybe they did.  I sure hope so, that would be another link, another connection in knowing them..

I haven't written on my Blog for about a week, so I thought I would do that..  Then I thought I really have nothing to write about, so here I am, writing really about nothing...

I guess you could say, I have the "Monday Blues,"  I really need to have some motivation, but I think I'll wait for another day for that.

Right now I'll finish this post, put on an extra pair of sock and my walking shoes and head for the garage and spend sometime on my treadmill.  After that, I'll make the guest room bed, fix dinner, and then think about the evening.. 

Tomorrow will be another day and it won't be Monday, so it won't be the "Blues...."

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